Friday, June 28, 2024

Give Us an Open Democratic Convention!


Well that was awful. A catastrophe. You know what I'm talking about. Trump is a crisis for our nation, and now Joe Biden is a crisis for the Democratic Party.

Joe needs to step aside. Let us have an open Democratic presidential convention in August. A loud, angry, smelly political convention that nominates someone capable of beating Donald Trump. Let the power-brokers do their broking. Let the pressure groups apply their pressure. Churn that cream into butter. Someone will emerge that we can all get behind.

Gavin Newsom, who's shown himself fully capable of going straight for Trump's esophagus. Pete Buttigieg, who's supernaturally smart and can turn Republican ignorance back on itself. Stacey Abrams. Jamie Raskin, who knows a poltroon when he sees one. Hakeem Jeffries. Joe Neguse. Hell, Beto O'Rourke.

I'm sure Kamala Harris would put herself forward, and maybe she could rally everyone. Someone is going to have to rally everyone, and I'll be good with whoever that is. (I don't think Joe Manchin would dare.)

Give us a genuine open convention, and let's see if we can turn this ship around.


  1. Wolf's Head8:46 AM

    "Gavin Newsom, who's shown himself fully capable of going straight for Trump's esophagus. Pete Buttigieg, who's supernaturally smart and can turn Republican ignorance back on itself. Stacey Abrams. Jamie Raskin, who knows a poltroon when he sees one. Hakeem Jeffries. Joe Neguse. Hell, Beto O'Rourke." JW


    Trump would eat them for lunch and shit them after dinner.

    You foisted this demented idiot on America for 3 1/2 years knowing what a disaster he was going to be just so Obama could run the Administration behind the scenes with the Dotard Dickhead out front to take the blame.

    Our food and fuel bills are 50% higher than under Trump. We have sexual perverts, pedophiles, psychopaths and criminals running rampant in our country. Our dollar, and everyone's net worth, has lost 20% of its value, We send billions of dollars overseas to people who hate us to buy oil we WERE making right here.

    Your party is a disaster. Your policies are hurting not just Americans but others across the world with your arrogant idiocy causing inflation, strife, war and turmoil.

    Biden is the PERFECT candidate for you Democrats.

  2. Anonymous12:28 PM

    "We have sexual perverts, pedophiles, psychopaths and criminals running rampant in our country. "
    -One of which is the 45th president.

    "buy oil we WERE making right here."
    -We're the largest oil producer in the world.

    "Our food and fuel bills are 50% higher than under Trump."

    "Our dollar, and everyone's net worth, has lost 20% of its value"
    -Total bullshit. International investment is flying to USA. The stock market is at record highs. My home has doubled in value.

    Maybe russia is a more palatable option for you.

  3. L G Vilott2:18 PM

    "Our dollar, and everyone's net worth, has lost 20% of its value"
    -Total bullshit. International investment is flying to USA. The stock market is at record highs. My home has doubled in value.

    You obviously have NO understanding of economics. I suggest you get a copy of the classic econ book, Economics in One Lesson, by Henry Hazlitt, a libertarian who is widely respected.

  4. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Which part of my response is wrong?

    The world is experiencing the same economic challenges that the USA is. Yet, we are recovering more robustly than anyone else. Name a country with a stronger economy than the USA?
