Sunday, December 10, 2023

Tillis v. Robinson: NCGOP's Civil War


Thom Tillis has endorsed Bill Graham in the Republican primary for governor and gingerly suggested that boss bully Mark Robinson lacked the credentials: “It’s not a personality thing to me or personal thing. I’m looking at two resumes and there’s a stark contrast in capabilities. Mark Robinson’s a good enough guy. I don’t know him that well, but he has virtually no legislative experience, very little business experience.”

At that, Robinson drew his sword and threw away the scabbard: “Let’s be clear about what this is. The RINOs are coming after me. Bill Graham is nothing but a pawn who’s been suckered into spending millions of his own money on a personal vendetta against me that’s being driven by consultants and a RINO senator who was censured by his own party. @ThomTillis is North Carolina’s @MittRomney. He supports red-flag laws and opposed Trump on border security. His elitist buddy, Bill Graham, is the Republican John Edwards who got rich from suing North Carolina farmers and business owners, and now thinks he can use the money he took from his fellow North Carolinians to buy a key to the governor’s mansion. Make no mistake, the establishment RINOs are out to get me. And let’s be clear why. They are going to say the same old line they always use: ‘He can’t win a general’. That’s simply false...."

What's the Graham campaign going to do with that? What's Thom Tillis going to do? End up supporting Robinson when he wins the primary?

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