Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Mark Walker v. Mark Robinson? Good Lord!


Mark Walker

Speaking of artifically inflated objects that will deflate suddenly, I loved the headline in The Assembly, "Mark Walker Floats a Test Balloon" (subscription required). The article was referring to ex-Congressman Mark Walker's new ambition to run in the Republican primary for governor, after he came in a dismal third to Ted Budd and Pat McCrory in last year's Republican primary for US Senate.

In a text message to The Assembly, Walker confirmed he’s taking meetings about a possible gubernatorial run. Two close advisers said the Republican will be in Washington, D.C., this week to discuss his potential candidacy with members of the Republican Governors Association.

Walker used to be a pastor of a church and casts a mild aura, but doesn't he know that his own political party doesn't cotton to "mild" or "moderate" or "pleasant" in the post-Trump times? No, the contemporary GOP likes acid and mean and intemperate, and North Carolina Republicans have already found their preferred candidate for governor, the acidic, mean, and intemperate Mark Robinson, the loud-mouth meat-shield that white Republicans are tickled to applaud preaching the gospel of "owning the libs." Robinson's happy to be exploited in that manner.

But Mark Walker? Nah. He ain't gonna take out an accomplished ego-artist like Robinson, and we could even feel something like sympathy watching him get busted again.

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