Thursday, August 19, 2021

Deanna Ballard and Ray Pickett Used As Bait


Travis Fain, reporting for WRAL:

Ray Pickett. 

...Greater Carolina is a 501(c)(4), one of several "dark money" groups that can raise unlimited cash without identifying donors. It sent invites to lobbyists and others in the General Assembly orbit, inviting them to the Sept. 2 game between East Carolina University and Appalachian State University, which will be played in Charlotte.... 

For $1,000, donors can attend a pre-game tailgate with an open bar and food from a "double decker tailgate unit" ....

For $5,000, Greater Carolina throws in tickets to the game. For $10,000, donors also get two tickets to a stadium suite where Sens. Deanna Ballard, R-Watauga, Todd Johnson, R-Union, and Dave Craven, R-Randolph, will watch the game, along with Reps. Ray Pickett, R-Watauga, David Willis, R-Union, Jason Saine, R-Lincoln, and Matthew Winslow, R-Franklin.

So for a mere $10,000, you can watch Ray Pickett and Deanna Ballard watch a football game. 



  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I miss Ray.

  2. Anonymous10:59 AM

    And I miss Steve Goss. What a great human being he was. Still have a stack of his yard signs in my basement.

  3. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Amen to both comments.

  4. Well, I think it's time to withdraw the $10,000 from my 403(b). "I love to watch."
