Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Boone Joins Raleigh in Requiring Masks in Indoor Public Spaces

Yesterday both the Raleigh City Council and the Boone Town Council voted to require masks for everyone visiting establishments open to the public. In Boone, council members Nancy LaPlaca and Dustin Hicks continue to oppose the measure while members Furgiuele, Clawson, and Ulmer voted for mask-wearing, as numbers of both infections and hospitalizations continue to rise across the state.

Even so, Boone is tiptoeing toward enforcing compliance: "Violation of the restriction would be punishable by an infraction, but police would be directed to first educate upon the first offense, and then give a warning before citing someone with an infraction. The restriction is slated to take effect at 9 a.m. Saturday, June 20, with enforcement of any penalties to be delayed by an additional three weeks" (Watauga Democrat).

Ashley Smith, the founder of ReOpenNC who is not from Boone, displayed her astounding level of intelligence on the issue by burning a face mask and posting it to Facebook. Yeah. That'll show the tyrants!


  1. So Boone's council is barely rational when it comes to our health.
    How can we have an economy with so many people sick and in medical debt?

  2. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Dear Red -

    The ones who aren't sick are 'dying' to shop.
