Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Vote-By-Mail Absentee Balloting Has Historically Been "Advantage Republicans" in NC

Seeing Twitterman begin to claim that vote-by-mail will be fradulent on its face in 2020 tells me a great deal about the fragility of this president, as though I needed more evidence that he's actually a snowflake. It also highlights his manifest stupidity, since in North Carolina at least, the Republican Party has benefitted most from absentee mail-in voting in the last four presidential elections.

Analysis of the massive North Carolina voter file by Dr. Michael Bitzer proves that "...absentee by mail voting, in North Carolina at least, is used by older, white suburban voters, who are more likely to be registered Republicans."

That graph also suggests that Gen-Z and Millennial voters are going to have to learn to navigate the unnecessarily complicated pathway to voting by mail if indeed the 2020 Blue Wave is going to break over the bow of Trump's yacht.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Michael Bitzer, huh, ain't that the guy who used statistics to discover the absentee ballot fraud of McCrae Dowless to benefit Republican candidate Mark Harris (a "conservative" Baptist minister) in the North Carolina 9th Congressional District contest of 2018? Yep, that's the one, and why we should pay attention to what he's uncovered about absentee ballots and who utilizes them fraudulently and/or possibly unfair advantage.
