Thursday, May 21, 2020

AppState Students Will Be Back on Campus This Fall

This is the only statement we see on the AppState website, and it's (appropriately?) vague: "...we are planning to have students and faculty return to classrooms and labs in the fall." And they will comport themselves ... how? That's still up in the air.

At yesterday's University of North Carolina Board of Governors (virtual) meeting, interim system President Bill Roper said, optimistically, “We are optimistic, leaning in and expecting our students, faculty and staff to return to classrooms, labs and libraries this fall.”

"Leaning in" is academic-speak for "shooting the moon." Great rewards/great danger.

Apparently, every campus has been cut loose to decide for itself what's best -- the libertarian solution: "Some UNC System schools plan to finish the fall semester before Thanksgiving [UNC-Greensboro plus NC A&T], another won’t start the semester until after Labor Day [UNC-Charlotte] and others are still deciding exactly what to do as the system develops a 'detailed contingency plan' and guidance for welcoming students back to campuses."

Those of you who were faculty and who retired in the nick of time, I salute you. Those of you still in those trenches, I pray for your safety.

1 comment:

  1. During my time in Boone schooling I never lived on campus. A grouphome in the hills, a commune over in Avery, a cabin near Meat Camp, a house near the propane yard...
    Students live all over the place around Boone, mostly not in the dorms. It's gonna spread... I just know it.
