Friday, December 06, 2019

Larry Pittman Draws a Credible Primary Opponent in 2020

Larry Pittman, the Republican incumbent in House District 83, is one of the most extreme Republican members of the NC General Assembly. He has regularly made headlines with various off-the-rails pronouncements, and he's good at invoking God because he's also Preacherman Larry Pittman. In 2017 he wanted to repeal a provision in the state's constitution so that North Carolina could secede from the Union. No, really. Pittman also introduced a bill in 2017 that would end North Carolina's recognition of same sex marriage in defiance of the US Supreme Court, citing the Bible as the legal authority. Speaker of the House Tim Moore scuttled that plan, for which I think Pittman may have called down fire from heaven on Tim Moore's head.

In short, he's been a regular embarrassment to the Republican establishment.

Jay White
Now he's drawn what may be his first credible primary opponent from the Republican establishment, Concord attorney Jay White who has previously served two full terms on the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners and nearly six years as its chairman. He seems sane.

Not a hint of Trumpism in his written announcement: “I am seeking the Republican nomination for House District 83 because my experience and my proven record of leadership and community involvement will enable me to serve our District. The people of the 83rd District are my friends; you are my family. Together, united by our shared values, we can make Cabarrus County and North Carolina a better place for ourselves and our children.”

Democrat Gail Young ran against Larry Pittman in 2018 and did better than anyone might have expected, drawing over 47% of the vote, and she's been building the infrastructure for another campaign for the District 83 seat in 2020. She might prefer to run against Larry Pittman rather than Jay White, who has an established name and who is, like I said, sane.

1 comment:

  1. "Sane Republican" is an oxymoron. Some anodyne words from a seemingly moderate GOPer should not fool anyone. Think of all the false promises tRump made and all the perverse and evil things he's done (cutting SNAP assistance to 700,000 people?) he never said a word about in the 2016 campaign. I hope Gail Young runs a strong campaign.
