Wednesday, September 25, 2019

If You Underestimate This Race, We Will LOSE Public Education

Message from Jen Mangrum, candidate for Superintendent of NC Public Education:

Fellow North Carolinians,

So we are in a very bad place. There aren’t enough nurses, mental health providers, or social workers in our schools; our schools aren’t sufficiently safe or equitable; teachers are paying for basic supplies out of pocket; many personnel aren’t making a living wage and cannot retire with dignity; and young people aren’t graduating with the skills they need to survive in the current economy. And Mark Johnson doesn’t care to fix any of these problems, because he only has two years’ experience in the classroom, he turns his nose up at teachers and education experts, and his political philosophy boils down to investing LESS in our communities and MORE in corporations. 

In contrast, I am an educator -- a lifelong one. I have spent more years in the classroom than all of my opponents combined. Teachers are supporting me in the thousands, because they know I’m with them. I have a dream that every child in this state will one day have all the tools and support they need to be a healthy, happy, and productive members of their communities.
I really need you. And I need you now. March 3rd, 2020 (the date of the Democratic Primary) is approaching at what feels like warp speed. Mark Johnson, NC’s Superintendent, is on track to raising $1,000,000 for his reelection campaign -- and it’s no surprise. Phil Berger and the Republicans want to control public education so that they can starve it, promote private options, & influence what knowledge gets passed on to future generations (and at what price).

But I can’t save public education alone. While I’m far AHEAD of my primary opponents in terms of fundraising, I’m way BEHIND Johnson. That’s why I need YOU and your generous financial support. My team CANNOT beat Berger and Johnson without a full-time campaign manager and, eventually, TV ads. Raising money can be difficult at a time when there are so many other crucial political races going on. But I promise you, this race is just as crucial as any other in our state. Please consider donating what you can & tell everyone you know about the endangered state of public education in North Carolina. Young people deserve better, and democracy depends on better.


Jen Mangrum

Quick link to Mangrum's donor page: 

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