Thursday, June 06, 2019

Or What's a Blue Wave For?

The NC House Republicans failed yesterday to override Governor Roy Cooper's veto of their newest attempt to criminalize abortion and stigmatize doctors who provide it ... the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Act,” a focus-group tested title for a bill meant to further politicize health care for women and tar Governor Cooper as a supporter of infanticide.


Two Democrats broke ranks and voted with the Republicans, but that wasn't enough to overcome the veto. Last fall's election guaranteed the collapse of the Republican super-majority in the House, and yesterday saw the first example of that.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    From Time magazine: Although four House Democrats initially voted for the “Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” in April, only two of them stuck with the measure Wednesday — Reps. Charles Graham of Robeson County and Garland Pierce of Scotland County. Republicans in the state Senate needed to capture the vote of just one Democrat for an override, which they did soon after the abortion veto.

    But that Senate Democrat was immediately targeted by abortion-rights groups for a primary next year — something that surely got the attention of any House Democrats on the fence.
