Monday, May 06, 2019

Virginia Foxx Does Stand-Up Comedy in Mount Airy

So Virginia Foxx showed up at Riverside Park in Mount Airy on Saturday for Kidsfest, grabbed a microphone, and did a set of pure comedy:

All my life I have been a strong environmentalist, she announced to guffaws.

People will tell you right now, I go out of my way... Yeah, for free food at the buffet, a heckler added.

I recycle. Doesn't that make me an environmentalist?

“The Paris climate accord doesn’t do anything to move us in the right direction globally," Foxx said, having just come from Washington where she voted with the rest of the Republicans to uphold Trump's decision to withdraw from the accord.

Now that's funny.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately the joke is on us. Climate change is happening much faster than predicted and we won't have much to giggle about when the flooding of New Orleans, New York and Miami (not to mention our own Outer Banks) occurs constantly until those places must be abandoned. Then even Foxx won't think its funny.
