Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Watauga BOE Makes Long Overdue Precinct Polling Place Changes

As of last night's meeting of the Watauga County Board of Elections, the precinct polling place for New River 3, one of Watauga's largest (suburban Boone) precincts, will no longer be located on the far rural margin of the precinct, at a church known for its partisan Republican activities. The polling place is being moved back to the National Guard Armory in town, a much more accessible, neutral place for the largely municipal precinct.

The marquee at the New River 3 precinct polling place
on Election Eve, 2016

The other precinct polling place that was moved last night by a 3-2 party-line vote ... Boone 2, which will move from the Legends nightclub on the edge of the ASU campus back to the Plemmons Student Union, where it used to be before the Republican Eggers-Aceto duo took over the administration of county voting in 2013.

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