Sunday, November 04, 2018

There's Something Happening Here...

15,517 voted early in Watauga County through Saturday, November 3 (that number includes mail-in absentee ballots and 713 same-day registrations, some of which may end up not counting)

Party breakdown (excluding the same-days): 
35% D
28% R
37% U
For comparison, 7,865 voted early in Watauga County in the last mid-term election of 2014. In 2014, the total vote in Watauga, including Early and Election Day = 17,197.

In other words, O my brethren, the Early Vote in Watauga in 2018 is just 1,680 votes shy of the total turnout in 2014.


For more comparison, here are state-wide numbers (courtesy Jonathan Kappler):

This was the scene yesterday morning at the Early Voting station on the campus of NC State University in Raleigh:

1 comment:

  1. Whatshisname10:36 AM

    Impressive. Now we need a strong Democratic turnout on election day as well.
