Wednesday, June 27, 2018

I Think Continually of Voting

Nothing matters as much as this fall's General Election.

With the five conservatives on the US Supreme Court decreeing that DJT can discriminate on the basis of religion, how long will it be before he officially discriminates on the basis of race, and they say that's all right too, Bro, because you're doing it to keep us safe.

Democrats need the US Senate as a check on a would-be dictator who's already a full-time fool.

In North Carolina, Phil Berger and Tim Moore are offering six modifications to the state's constitution in an effort to keep themselves and their ilk in power forever. They're hoping that their power-play will rev up their lackadaisical troops to turn out and vote for them and "their boys" this fall.

Those constitutional amendments (my personal favorite: a measure to make it impossible to sue a hog-shit-sprayer for messing up the enjoyment of your property) may backfire on them. I'm possibly more revved to vote against their crap than their target audience is revved to make them King and continue the backward tumble of our state.

Democrats need at least enough seats in either chamber of the General Assembly to break the Republican majority and uphold Governor Cooper's veto. Majority control of at least one chamber would be even better, and that's clearly in reach.

Who's to blame for the misdirection of our state?

Rep. Jonathan Jordan, left, and
Sen. Deanna Ballard, right

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