Wednesday, October 04, 2017


"Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over."
--Political commentator Dan Hodges @DPJHodges

callus, noun: a thickened and hardened part of the skin or soft tissue, especially in an area that has been subjected to friction

Yeah. Like ... "Was it 58 or 59 people killed in Las Vegas?" "I think it might have been more than that."

How many at the Pulse nightclub? How many in San Bernadino? How about the Colorado Century 16 movie theater?

God, it's just normal now.

Important men exhort us to pray. Citizens clamor. "Something's got to be done!" Members of Congress say, "Now is not the time." As a nation we just shrug.

And wait for the next one. 

And in charge of everything now is this person:

"Here. Have some paper towels."

"But I've lost everything."

"Have two rolls then."

And don't forget to praise him.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    He's terrible when he tries to fake empathy: "It's a very, very sad day for me, personally," Trump said ahead of his trip to Las Vegas. Really? For you personally?

  2. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Glad you take the murder of all those white folks seriously. Please do all you can to save us White conservative voters.

    Meanwhile, your callous disregard for black lives in Chicago is just indicative of Democrat values.

    Las Vegas was bad, but blacks in Chicago go through that every month.

  3. Anonymous ( who is afraid to use his real name lest he be outed as a bigot ) wrote: "Glad you take the murder of all those white folks seriously. Please do all you can to save us White conservative voters. Meanwhile, your callous disregard for black lives in Chicago is just indicative of Democrat values. Las Vegas was bad, but blacks in Chicago go through that every month."

    Wow! If every black male in the US bought and legally registered a semi-automatic military rifle, and then modified it with one of the NRA's "bump stocks", just imagine how fast Congress would pass gun control legislation.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Why don't you try that?

    I'm game.
