Saturday, May 06, 2017

Foxx Statement on House Passage of American Health Care Act

We read the Virginia Foxx press release (so you don't have to):

What She Said
"For seven long years, families and small businesses have suffered the devastating consequences of Obamacare. Costs are skyrocketing, choices are diminishing, small businesses are struggling, and jobs are being destroyed."

What She Meant
I love the smell of powerful men after the flop sweat dries!


What She Said
"That’s what the American people have been forced to live with, and that’s why Republicans promised to provide a better way."

What She Meant
I'm a free market kinda gal, Baby, and I sell where I can.


What She Said
"We are on a rescue mission, and this vote is an important step in repealing a failed law and delivering free-market, patient-centered solutions."

What She Meant
Did I mention that I grew up poor -- poorer than you, the poorest! -- and no one ever helped me. I'm getting my revenge.


What She Said
"Today’s action represents an important moment for our country and a central part of our broader effort to deliver health care relief for working families."

What She Meant
Nothing ticks me off like the whining of poor people!


What She Said
"Already, the House passed reforms that will empower small businesses to band together to offer working families greater access to affordable health coverage."

What She Meant
Wesa got a grand army. That's why you no liking us meesa thinks.


What She Said
"These are the kind of smart, responsible health care solutions that the American people need, and we are determined to deliver."

What She Meant
Mesa day startin pretty okee-day with a brisky morning munchy, then BOOM! Gettin very scared and grabbin that Jedi and POW! Mesa here! Mesa gettin' very very scared!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    You need to ease up on the wacky backy JW.
