Saturday, February 04, 2017

Rogue Twitter Accounts in Trump Administration Are Proliferating Like Executive Orders

US Forest Service: @AltForestService -- "The unofficial, and unsanctioned, #Resistance team for the U.S. Forest Service. Not an official Forest Service account, not publicly funded, citizen run."

Department of Agriculture: @AltUSDA -- "Resisting the censorship of facts and science. Truth wins in the end."

Homeland Security: @AltHomelandSec -- "The unofficial alternative 'resistance' team of the Department of Homeland Security. Not affiliated with DHS. #resist"

FBI: @AltFBI -- "Serving an alternative form of justice. Not affiliated with the FBI, U.S. govt or its employees. Come for fact-based justice and policy-related information."

US Citizenship and Immigration Service: @Alt_USCIS -- "Join the #resistance, unofficial ALT of people who vet safe immigrants. Independent views. Not affiliated with DHS or USCIS kinda #resist

Department of Health & Human Services: @AltHHS -- "The official unaffiliated resistance account by concerned scientists for humanity. Don't forget to register for ObamaCare before Jan 31!"

Food and Drug Administration: @AltFDA -- "Not FDA but close enough we can micro swab them."

National Park Service: @NotAltWorld -- "The #Resistance team against #AltFacts #FauxNews #FauxScience Formerly: Unofficial National Park Service #Science #Climate #Facts Run by non-gov individuals"


  1. Wolf's Head5:27 PM

    It would be nice if the government tore itself apart.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    What would a post government America look like to you, Mr. Head?

  3. Wolf's Head7:44 AM

    About 1/10th the size of what we have today.

    Does that offend your snowflake sensibilities?

    If so, who cares
