Sunday, February 12, 2017

Moscow on the Potomac

Trump and Flynn, on the campaign trail
last year. Photo ABC News
There's solid, incontrovertible evidence that Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had multiple contacts with Russia's ambassador to the U.S. prior to the election and that he discussed the Obama administration's sanctions against Russia with the ambassador. The evidence is incontrovertible because intelligence agencies apparently have the tapes of those conversations.

Once the Obama administration took retaliatory action in December against Russia because of the hacking scandal, Flynn was on the phone again immediately with the Russian ambassador. Instead of its own retaliatory action against the U.S. -- expelling a few American personnel from the American embassy in Moscow, for example -- which is what everyone expected from Russia, Putin said he wouldn't respond. Trump immediately praised Putin for his forbearance.

We know that Russia was hacking (and Gawd knows what else) to help Trump win that election, and we know that Flynn was constantly reaching out to Russia, presumably either for Trump's benefit or on his orders. Now Trump is defending Flynn, and the whole thing stinks to high heaven.

I may have fallen off the turnip truck yesterday, but I didn't land on my head. We have the president that Moscow wanted, and we're only just beginning to learn the full measure of Trump's collusion in subverting the American government under Obama for the benefit of Russia.

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