Wednesday, September 14, 2016


The only way we get rid of Bill Aceto and Nancy Owen on the Watauga County Board of Elections is to elect Roy Cooper as governor.

The only way we get rid of Stacy C. Eggers IV ("Four") as county attorney is to change the County Commission.

Below is the visible result of the latest Four Eggers directive to Aceto and Owen about the BOE:

Four advised his Republican puppets that they could legally cancel a regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the BOE. Raleigh experts in election law say he's wrong. The general counsel for the SBOE so far has remained silent.

When has Four Eggers been right? He was wrong about combining all the Boone precincts into one "super precinct." He was wrong about disenfranchising ASU students, first, by ordering no Early Voting site at all on the ASU campus in 2014, which Judge Stephens in Wake County slapped down as unconstitutional, and then he was wrong for pushing Aceto to choose Legends as the early voting site for the 2016 primary, which the SBOE slapped down in February, and then again he was wrong for insisting on Legends for this fall's election, which the chancellor slapped down yesterday. 

He was wrong about the SBOE's having jurisdiction over early voting in Watauga and was the laughing stock among lawyers last Thursday in Raleigh for even suggesting it.

He was wrong to get his own brother appointed chair of the Watauga BOE. He was wrong to run  both the BOE, via his brother, while also serving as county attorney. He was wrong to serve as attorney for both Watauga and the Town of Beech Mountain and to enter those parties into a notorious water deal that got slapped down by the County Commission after the citizens protested.

Aceto and Owen should be removed from office for failure to do their job and for intentional discrimination against a class of voters. Four Eggers should be fired for manipulating Aceto and Owen and for casting a pall of corruption over Watauga County for the last four years.


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Have never seen people with such disrespect for law, local residents and voting as exhibited by the local leaders. It is imperative to change the commission in November.

  2. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Hahahaha! Wanna see something pathetic? Take a look at how the Watauga Conservative is talking about all this: Their main "Blogger" doesn't even have a clue what he's talking about: "Bill Aceto let me down." Plus "Blogger" thinks there was ever a chance that there would only be one early voting site at the County Courthouse, and somehow Aceto "blinked." I mean, really! (I'm not taking up for Aceto. I'm being amazed at the ignorance of the supposedly plugged in politicos over at Watauga Conservative.

  3. Anonymous6:18 AM

    You talk about Aceto not doing his job, how about Cooper not doing his? You are the most hipocrite that I have ever seen.

  4. If Roy Cooper were running elections in Watauga County, and if he had been doing what Aceto has been doing for the past three years, I would be yelling about Roy Cooper. #FireFour #RottenEggers

  5. Anonymous8:07 PM

    There's a difference between not doing your job and not wasting public resources defending laws that are clearly unconstitutional.
