Friday, September 23, 2016

"Don't-Believe-Your-Lying-Eyes" Quote of the Week

Anne Marie Yates, Chair of the Watauga County Board of Elections, on the sorts of people she looks for to appoint to the local Board of Elections (quoted by the Watauga Democrat):
“I look first for people who can do the job, and have the time to do it,” Yates said. “Then I look for discerning people, and people who have proven themselves to be fair and equitable and not overly partisan.”


  1. Liar of the Year.

  2. Oh, please help that lady. Her pants are on fire-Trumpishly. Please help her! The smoke is badly hindering visibility throughout Watauga County. People are being blinded and losing their minds.

  3. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I believe she is the Director of the Watauga Board of Elections, not the Chair (that's just your wishful thinking....)

  4. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Good Lord! She is not even a MEMBER of the Watauga county Board of Elections.

    Try to get a fact straight occassionally!

  5. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Actually, she is the chair of the Watauga County Republican Party.

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Yes, Anon 9:29. You would think a political blogger would know that.

  7. Anonymous6:58 PM

    And nobody commenting on this has ever had a brain fart....although you could consider it political satire. (Though in that case, you'd have to call Four Eggers both the Director and the Chair of the BoE.)
