Monday, August 29, 2016

A Hell of a Mess for the State Board of Elections

Watauga Bd. of Elections at its last,
failed meeting. Photo by Lonnie Webster
According to the Associated Press, some 24 North Carolina counties have submitted two competing Early Voting plans, and the state Board of Elections must pick which one will prevail or write a wholly new one.

Watauga County is presumably in that mix, though our understanding is that Watauga BOE Chair Bill Aceto never submitted a Republican plan by the deadline last Wednesday. That leaves Stella Anderson's Democratic plan as the only officially submitted one from Watauga.

Apparently, Four Eggers Aceto is standing by his contention that the state BOE has no right to impose an Early Voting plan on Watauga. Considering the headaches that NC GOP Executive Director Dallas Woodhouse has caused the SBOE, we doubt that contention is going to hold water.

We're told that the SBOE will begin scheduling hearings for the 24 contested counties this week and next. Expect a caravan going to Raleigh soon.


  1. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Bill Aceto and Nancy Owens have no business in public life, since they disdain the public. Adjourning without a plan was a big FU to the county. Fire Aceto and Owens from the BOE!

    And please don't use Aceto's Blue Ridge Realty company for any real estate needs. He's just looking to sell the county short.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Do we REALLY want to get into boycotting invidual businesses because we disagree with them politically?

    I can think of a LOT of Democrat owned businesses that would probably suffer!

  3. I don't think the Democratic businesses or those who work at them are trying to suppress the vote of the people in our county for partisan reasons.

  4. To: Upsydaisy 4:24PM Are you that naive?
