Thursday, July 07, 2016

Sour Grapes

Anne Marie Yates, Chair of the Watauga Republican Party, posted this picture of the Watauga Democratic Party Independence Day float, with members of the AppState football team posing down front -- posted it twice! -- and many thanks for that! -- on the Republican Party's FB page, and is mightily pissed off that the Democrats got the photo and the Republicans did not.



  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    lol! Send Get Well Soon cards to Anne Marie Yates, Stadium Drive, Boone.

  2. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The kids were posing with everyone who asked them....and I saw the GOP taking photos of them with their float, too. Why didn't they just post their own pictures?

  3. Anonymous8:27 AM

    The republicans were denied their picture by some little twit that got off the democrat float and made a scene stating that the team was not allowed to do that.
    The democrats waited until the parade was over and got their picture. jerry you are such an ass hole.

  4. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Jerry, we gotta love your version of 'comment moderation'. You may be an a**hole, but at least you're OUR a**hole. ;-)
