Thursday, June 30, 2016

McCrory Gets Boone Book-Banner Confirmed for State Board of Education

What we need on the state Board of Education is an avid book-banner! We've said that for years, yet it took Governor Squishy to finally step up to the plate and appoint Todd Chasteen of Samaritan's Purse.

You'll be forgiven for failing to remember that Chasteen was a leading community force in trying to ban Isabel Allende's "House of the Spirits" from English honors classes early in 2014.

Chasteen's appointment sailed through the General Assembly today with only one dissenting vote.

Both Chasteen and Senator Deanna Ballard, who introduced him to the joint Senate-House meeting this morning, work for Franklin Graham.

According to Lindsay Wagner, Chasteen's wife Kim "runs a private Christian school in Boone called Grace Academy. And Chasteen is a proponent of home schooling, having served as a government instructor for High Country Christian Home Schoolers. Chasteen’s bio for HCCHS says he 'has a passion to help ground and prepare our students against an onslaught of liberal views that they may face in higher education, and to be able to convey the subject matter with academic freedom.' ”

Yep. Public education in North Carolina is in good hands now!


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    THE most depressing news coming out of Raleigh... Franklin Graham owns NCGOP. And now he's got a censorship mouthpiece on the NC BoE.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    One more step towards an American theocracy w/ Franklin Graham serving as the first ayatollah.
