Thursday, March 24, 2016

The 11 Democrats in Raleigh Who Voted To Legalize Discrimination Against LGBT Persons Statewide

Make of the facts below what you will. Several of these Democrats who voted for House Bill 2 ("Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act" which is really "It's Legal To Discriminate Against LGBT Citizens Act") faced a primary on March 15 and face no opponent in November. Freed up like that from any citizen accountability, perhaps they feel perfectly entitled to let their prejudices fly. The others with a Republican opponent in November are maybe tail-tuckers afraid to stand on principles of equality and fairness. Some are maybe just dicks.

BTW, Rep. Jonathan Jordan voted for H2. Sen. Dan Soucek was absent (though how they could tell is unclear).

The Democrats Who Voted Yes
Larry Bell (Dist. 21) -- Had a primary on March 15, which he won. Unopposed in November

William Brisson (22) -- Had a primary which he won. Unopposed in November

Elmer Floyd (43) -- No primary, no opponent in November

Ken Goodman (66) -- No primary, no opponent in November

Charles Graham (47) -- Had a primary which he won. Unopposed in November

George Graham (12) -- No primary, no opponent in November

Howard Hunter (5) -- No primary, no opponent in November

Garland Pierce (48) -- No primary, no opponent in November

William Richardson (44) -- Has a Republican opponent in November

Brad Salmon (51) -- Has a Republican opponent in November

Michael Wray (27) -- Had a primary which he won. Unopposed in November

And finally, the neutered wonder who signed this bill late last night ... the same man who refused to call the special session because he was afraid the General Assembly would go too far. Guess what? They went too far, and Gov. Squishy signed it anyway.


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Your list of Democrats demonstrates how right Ralph Nader was that there is basically no difference between the corporate Democratic Party and the corporate GOP.

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Wow, no party loyalty on this blog. Defeat all those heretics!
