Sunday, March 13, 2016

NC Teachers Win Tenure Case at Court of Appeals

The NC Court of Appeals has upheld Wake Superior Court Judge Robert Hobgood's ruling last year that the elimination of teacher tenure ("career status") enacted by the NC General Assembly was an unconstitutional infringement on teachers' rights.

Here's Judge Linda Stephens' full ruling.


  1. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Tenure is the worst thing that ever happened in education. You can't fire the bad teachers and professors. Katrina are you a parent? If you are then getting rid of tenure should be something you would support. Bottom line, a bullying teacher can not get fired and believe me that is sad

  2. Anon 9:17
    With all due respect you have no idea of what you post. Go study the juried and published research. Right wing talking points are simply bigoted positions of those who want to destroy public education. Nothing you said is backed up by factual study.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Jeff, just common sense, and if you have personally been there it might be a different story. Personal experience beats any juried or published research. Jeff, I say that in all due respect. I have no desire to destroy public education but to protect students and families.

  4. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Great to see a dissenting opinion here from the orthodoxy promoted by the teachers' union and the public education establishment. Educational reform will never be achieved until teacher tenure is ended.
