Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Uncovering Deception at the Watauga Board of Elections

Watauga BOE Chair Bill Aceto and his handpicked successor to Elections Director Jane Anne Hodges -- Matt Snyder -- have clearly colluded in attempting to mislead the state Board of Elections.

Bill Aceto
Tomorrow in a teleconference, the State Board of Elections will vote on an Early Voting plan for Watauga County during the March primary. The Bill Aceto Plan denies an Early Voting site on the campus of Appalachian State University. The alternative plan submitted by "minority member" Stella Anderson provides an Early Voting site on the ASU campus.

Both sides presented their different plans in writing to the State BOE. The Anderson plan is accompanied by numerous displays, calculations of votes-per-hour during the fall 2014 elections (after an Early Voting site was restored at ASU under court order), and demographic information on population density.

Aceto's argument, on the other hand, relies on a factual lie.

Aceto & Snyder Collude
In his argument to the State BOE justifying no polling site on the ASU campus, Aceto attempts to show that a single courthouse Early Voting site for the entire town of Boone is perfectly adequate.

This is a direct quote from Bill Aceto's argument to the State BOE:
"For the November 2014 General Election, 6,142 early voters were easily accommodated by the nearby Board of Elections office site, which averaged 77.25 voters per hour …. Please note the calculations of voters per hour differ with those provided by Member Anderson, and I have verified my calculations with the Watauga County Elections Director [Matt Snyder]. In sum, these numbers do not justify having two sites within one-half mile of each other duplicating efforts when our funds could be utilized in other locations." (italics added)
Indeed, those "calculations of voters per hour differ" from Anderson's evidence … mainly because Aceto's numbers -- "verified" by Matt Snyder -- are totally bogus.

Matt Snyder
Aceto took the combined Early Voting turnout of both the courthouse site and the ASU Student Union site and attributed it to the courthouse site, never bothering to inform the State BOE members that 2,551 of those early votes attributed to the courthouse site were actually cast at the ASU Student Union and that in fact the ASU site hosted more voters per hour than the Administration site.

Why Do We Not Trust Elections in Watauga County?

Because the people in charge of conducting elections in Watauga County are transparently partisan in their goals and fundamentally dishonest in their behavior.


  1. Is there no way to get the true facts to the SBOE before this teleconference? Who is included in it? These lizards are so dishonest I would not be surprised if the so called teleconference is not blacked out for Democrats!

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I received a "Primary Election Guide" from the Watauga County Board of Elections when I filed for NC House. In this guide are the voting totals for each voting location in Watauga county for the 2008, 2012, and 2014 General Elections. The below data is pulled directly from the reports given to me by the Board of Elections. If anyone wants pictures of these reports please let me know at my contact information below.

    Since I might have information most people might not have I thought I would supply it here.

    One Stop ASU - 6,447
    One Stop Lobby - 4,318 (This is the courthouse site)
    Total Votes Cast - 28,669 (This is total votes cast in One Stop voting and election day voting)

    One Stop ASU - 5,326
    One Stop Lobby - 9,394 (This is the courthouse site)
    Total Votes Cast - 27,855 (This is total votes cast in One Stop voting and election day voting)

    One Stop ASU - Not listed as a site on report
    One Stop Lobby - Not listed as a site on report
    One Stop Admin - 6,142 (Admin not listed as site in 2008 and 2012)
    Total Votes Cast - 17,197 (This is total votes cast in One Stop voting and election day voting)

    Lew Hendricks
    NC House Republican Candidate

  3. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Lew - "One Stop Admin" combines the votes from the courthouse and ASU into one number.

  4. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Anonymous - That's what I thought. But, I didn't want to put out something I wasn't sure of.



  5. They had to do it that way because the Supreme Court of NC didn't weigh in on the ASU site until 5 minutes of 5:00pm on the day before the polls opened. There wasn't time to do anything but record the results as including ASU as part of the Admin vote.

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Simple fix....request the complaints from county BOE and publish the pictures of them. Prove Aceto is a liar!
