Friday, February 12, 2016

Jonathan Jordan and Human Decency

An op-ed in today's Raleigh News&Observer, "North Carolina's ag-gag law an affront to human decency," is the only antidote to Rep. Jonathan Jordan's mealy-mouthed defense of the law that appeared in the Watauga Democrat.

Jordan ignores the most obvious examples of whistle-blowing that are now felonies under the law he voted for, like reporting animal abuse at factory farms and elder abuse at factory nursing homes, and instead trots out a wholly bogus example of someone working for Walmart (Walmart!) and working there with insufficient "duty" and loyalty to the largest corporation in America.


Jordan, -- occasionally an affront to human decency himself -- willfully misrepresents the intention and the impact of the law he voted for.


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    But we sheep will keep electing him, despite his corporate allegiance, lunatic fringe ideas and lack of human decency.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    The Governor vetoed it and Jordan and the General Assembly voted to override it. Sad.

    I spoke with people that work in this field every day...imagine talking to experts before making up your mind. I agree with the Governor's veto of the bill.

    Lew Hendricks
    NC House republican candidate

  3. Democratus Rex4:12 PM

    At minimum wage, companies pay for work, not loyalty.

  4. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Once again we witness an elected official who is no more than a "street walker" in Raleigh's red light district.
