Monday, January 18, 2016

Did a Gang of NC Republicans Boo Donald Trump in SC Debate?

You know the booing of Donald Trump in the South Carolina debate, when he was going all birther on Ted Cruz last week? Rush Limbaugh reported that the booing was coming from outside agitators with North Carolina addresses:
...The North Carolina GOP bused a bunch of people down there and their express purpose was to try to show that there is no massive support for Trump. They wanted to do some damage. They are grudgingly accepting Ted Cruz now....
Tea Party blogger and paint stripper Brant Clifton suggests that it was NCGOP Exec. Dir. Dallas Woodhouse and NC House Rep. David Lewis who got them the tickets to the debate. Woodhouse and Lewis had recently escaped a censure vote by Tea Party irregulars at a state GOP meeting and maybe wanted to flex some muscle RE the ascendancy of Trump.

Dunno. But we doubt the busing to South Carolina. Rich Republicans don't ride buses. Not even for the privilege of booing the enemy.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:42 AM

    This all seems like a pissing contest among a bunch of psychopaths. Then again, pretty much all the politics going on within the GOP seems like that these days.
