Thursday, December 17, 2015

Soucek Decides Not To Run for Reelection After All

This is an earthquake.

Sen. Dan Soucek had already filed for reelection. Now he withdraws, joining a host of other Republican members of the General Assembly who are taking a powder.

Lot of this filing and then un-filing going on these days.


  1. Oh Suzannah11:05 AM

    Wow! Guess he ain't angling to run for Virginia Foxx's seat when (and if) the witch ever retires! Didn't see that coming.

  2. It isn't lost on us that Soucek's Republican primary opponent from 2014, George Robinson (who ended up being appointed to an NC House seat and has already filed for reelection to that seat) is now blocked from filing for the Soucek Senate seat. The late withdrawal by Soucek may have been planned all along. We'll know more when we see which Republican files now before noon on Monday.

  3. Within minutes of Soucek's withdrawal, Deanna Ballard of Blowing Rock filed. Timing is most interesting. She's 37 years old.

  4. Henery11:33 AM

    I just heard that spontaneous dancing has broken out among school personnel at several elementary and high schools in Soucek's district!

  5. Well we can't know everything that goes on in Soucek's brain, shallow though it may be, but I am wondering, has a Dem even filed to run for this seat? Please say yes and give the person's name and campaign site so I can send a few $ his/her way.

  6. Dem128:55 PM

    Art Sherwood is a Democrat who filed to run. I found him on Facebook. I don't know if he has a regular website!

  7. Opinionated9:11 AM

    Art Sherwood is incredibly smart, has spent his career working on spinal cord injuries and helping our nation's wounded veterans, and is truly focused on Education in this state. I've already sent him a check.
