Thursday, November 26, 2015

Halloween Is Past, But McCrory Now Putting on the Mask of a Right-Wing Culture Warrior

Tyler Dukes's analysis of the sudden change of topic and tone by Governor Squishy.

Suddenly, where people go to the bathroom -- in the state of Virginia -- is of consuming concern.


  1. C,mon Jerry. I don't care for Mccrory either. However, don't tell me that men swearing they are really women in their minds are people you believe should be able to go to the bathroom with our minor daughters. If so I misjudged you as a progressive with common sense. If you do believe such BS then you should join your brethren on our college campuses and try to stamp out Free Speech.

  2. Now you c'mon, Jerry, it's a non-issue (not to mention also not North Carolina), at a time when surely The Guv could find a wedge issue in his own state -- since a wedge issue he MUST have going into his reelection year as an ineffective non-entity -- or even an issue that might count for something, like continuing high unemployment, his failure to expand Medicaid, and the creeping cronyism of his administration. The "bathroom bubble" is guaranteed to stampede under-informed citizens into a high-octane rage, which makes me wonder why you've sipped at that Kool-Aid.

  3. Republican base voters are such wussies. Whatever happened to the land of the free and home of the brave? They are terrified of Syrian refugees, even though every one (and over half are women and children) is vetted through 4 different processes and clearance takes a minimum of 2 years, and almost all who get admitted to the US have professional credentials and family members already living here. Terrified that a town in NC might actually be willing through its churches and other support agencies to provide food clothing and shelter to people on the run from foreign oppression or poverty. Terrified that someone of ambiguous gender might be glimpsed--not in the act of actually relieving him/her/itself in a public bathroom but appearing there in the clothing of the opposite sex. Meanwhile of course they are arming themselves to the teeth in totally baseless fright that Obama is going to seize their guns. Every one of these irrational fears is being stirred up as emotional cover while the Art Popes and Kochs of this country continue to ship jobs overseas, cut back funding on education and social services, and give away tax breaks to the already-rich.

  4. Progressive Thinker11:25 AM

    Why worry about it. Abolish indecent exposure laws! Let everyone use whatever bathroom they choose. If you don't want your 12 year old daughter to see a stranger's penis, then keep her at home! If Democrats want to wiggle their weiners at other people, why should bigots like McCrory stand in their way?

  5. Anonymous1:33 PM

    You Republicans! You fall back on sarcasm when rational thinking fails you. And why are you so obsessed with sex? Especially other people's sex. You talk about it, you worry about it, you fantacize about it, you pass laws about it, and when you're not passing laws, you're screaming that there need to be more laws prohibiting what you can't get your minds off of. In short, you exhibit all the symptoms of compulsive dysfunction.

  6. Jerry: Mccrory has been a great disappointment to me, and a source of embarassment. I worked to get him elected during the last election. I thought he was a capable man. He fooled me. Not again. I intend to work for Roy Cooper this time. I worked with him and his department while I was District Attorney. I found him to be honest, straight forward and genuine. We agree on this. However, we disagree on allowing Child molesters to go into bathrooms, locker rooms and showers with children, both male and female. One of your letter writers said go ahead and let the girls see a penis. That Idea is abhorent at its' best. However, we are talking about more than that here. We are talking about allowing those into our children's bathrooms who would hurt, kidnap and rape and murder them. As to this I humbly and respectfully disagree.

  7. Boy, that's quite a leap, a huge stretch without supporting evidence ... from transgendered to "child molesters." I don't think you'll find a lot of transgendered people in national or state crime statistics cited for child molesting. No, that's reserved for your repressed "straight" people and priests.

    Your imagination can work you into a lot of "abhorrent ideas," few of which exist in any real world I'm familiar with.

    Plus, you might want to study up on the practice of irony. The commenter on here who was advocating for letting little girls see a penis was being sarcastic, which is just the industrial grade of irony, without any redeeming sense of style or lightness of touch. From such, turn away.

  8. Anonymous10:55 PM

    We certainly expect that Mr Wilson will have the same success supporting Roy Cooper as he did supporting Britt Springer.

    Time to retire, Jerry...while you still have a few people who respect you.

  9. Your argument that transgender people don't commit crimes is hard to accept and totally irrelevent to the point under discussion. Your idea that only true transgenders will enter co-ed bathrooms is a complete denial of reality. I am not worried about the transgender folks; I am worried about others who enter the bathrooms with preying upon our children on their minds. Who will stand at the bathroom doors to insure that does not happen.And when the guardian at the door is told by a man that he is really a woman in his mind, how does the guardian know he is being truthful. Your argument that attempts to excuse the person who advocated young children being exposed
    to strange men's penises by calling them irony and sarcasm is totally lame. The comments this person made are crude, indefensible and evidence of a sick mind. The kind of mind which proves co-ed batrooms and locker rooms present a danger to our children.
