Wednesday, September 02, 2015

What Do Dan Soucek & Jonathan Jordan Think of Public Education? Here's What

Soucek & Jordan
Some stark facts (hat tip: about the sorry state of public education in North Carolina below. These realities actually brought to you by Sen. Dan Soucek (who's also busily trying to shift public money to private schools run by big corporations via vouchers) and Rep. Jonathan Jordan and by their Republican pals in the NC General Assembly:

  • Adjusted for inflation, North Carolina’s per-student education investment has dropped by $815 since the Great Recession began in 2008. Only six states have seen a larger drop than North Carolina.

  • Since 2008, textbook funding per student has dropped a staggering 79 percent from $76.09 to $15.96. In many schools, there aren't enough books for students to take home for homework.

  • Adjusted for inflation, North Carolina’s average teacher salary has fallen by $5,158 since 2008. Over the same period, the state’s teacher pay ranking dropped from 25th to 42nd.

  • North Carolina classrooms have lost 7,138 teacher assistants since 2008.


    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Guess what. All of the reductions in state education funding you cite came while the Democrats were in charge of all branches of state government. Education funding has increased in all areas since the GOP took over the NCGA in 2011.

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      Anonymous @ 3:26 says education funding has increased since 2011. So has the number of students. And guess what? The per-pupil spending has dropped considerably since GOP took over in 2011. I wish GOP would stop lying and fix the mess they've created in NC education.

    3. Dern Stubborn Facts2:29 PM

      And yet, our schools are performing better than ever!
