Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blood on the Moon, Chum in the Water ... The Terminus of Modern Republicanism

At a time when Carly Fiorina parades an acidic self-righteousness and Donald Trump trumpets a tin-horn's strong-man act and Ben Carson puts religious bigotry on fulsome display -- the three leaders in the Republican presidential primary -- it makes perfect sense that a mayoral candidate in Kings Mountain, NC, would come forth advocating...

1. the eradication of all homosexuals;

2. making divorce, alcohol, and "all immigration" illegal;

3. reduced "governance," because the "blood moon" on September 13 heralds an apocalypse anyway.


  1. Anonymous7:49 PM

    I think NCGOP will start trying to burn witches at the stake soon...

  2. Maire7:22 AM

    Look, I'm no fan of the current crowd in Raleigh and I reject utterly the hate this man espouses. But the guy acknowledges he spent time in a psych ward and was diagnosed with "religious hallucinations." While I look forward to the day that homophobia enters the DSM, in the meanwhile it's the functionally sane Republicans who scare me.
