Thursday, June 25, 2015

Moratorium Applies to Maymead Asphalt

Well, bless their hearts! Eggers Eggers Eggers & Eggers have finally decided that the moratorium on permits granted via the High Impact Land Use Ordinance -- you know, the moratorium that the Eggerses did not want the County Commission to pass in the first place -- does in fact apply to the Maymead corp., because ... wait for it ... Maymead is not vested in the project in any way, shape, or form.

Our county attorneys are always the last to know the facts.

1 comment:

  1. Deborah Greene6:17 AM

    When the commissioners met to hear the changes in the High Impact Land Use Ordinance. Joe Furman told the commissioners that the changes made in the ordianance would not have any affect on Maymeade's ashphalt plant as if they did have a vested interest. And, now, after hundreds of people turn out to the publc hearing on the changes to the ordiance, voicing their concerns over of the asphalt plant, the commissioners say that Maymeade does not have a vested right. And, now Eggers, Eggers, Eggers and Eggers, Watauga's 1st Family of Law, says that the asphalt plan can be part of a moratorium. This comes at the heels of the dialoque initiated by Commissioner Hodges with Austin Eggers regarding the so-called complexities of moratoriums.

    It appears that out of fears of public record requests and having their lies exposed, the commissioenrs have decided to say, 'on second look...", 'oops'..... And, being an activist, the closed session to discuss the so-called complexities of moratoriums was to protect the commissioners from embarrassing discussion, discussion they were not bold enough to have in front of the public. Hodges was very uncomfortable and rightfully so, he and Mr. Hampton, the property owner lwasing the land to Maymaede and the original permit holder are life-long buddies.

    Mr. Hampton spoke with me after the public hearing. He did not deny that the emissions from asphalt plants were harmful; he said, "I want an even playing field." From my conversation with Mr. Hampton, he wants to see other polluting industries in the moratorium so he does not feel like he is being singled out. Mr. Hampton has concerns abour diesel fuel emmissions. I would recommend that concerned citizens meet and formulate a moratorium covering the industries that they are concerned about. And, invite Mr. Hamption to share his concerns about diesel fuel and any other industry he has concerns about.
