Friday, April 24, 2015

Would-Be Book Banner Named to State Board of Education

Todd Chasteen, one of Franklin Graham's employees at Samaritan's Purse, was very involved in the attempt to ban "The House of the Spirits" from Sophomore English Honors classes at Watauga High School last year. His wife runs a private, religious school, though Chasteen himself is a lawyer and has no experience in the education field, except his experience trying to ban a book from the classroom.

So naturally Gov. Squishy would appoint him to the State Board of Education. Of course.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Do some digging on what textbooks are used at his private Christian school. I'm willing to bet that it's one of the common series of textbooks released by religious groups for home schoolers and religious schools that advocates Creationism and other unscientific nonsense.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    I cannot believe how ignorant NC politicians are. They are hell-bent on destroying education in NC. House of the Spirits is an appropriate book for high school honors students. To name someone who stringy wanted to censor this book to the state board is a scary state of affairs. Will they start burning books they don't like?

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I, as a moderate Republican, find myself sick over this appointment. I have found the many of the folks at SP are home and/or private school oriented. He has no place on this board. Come on, citizens, let's jump on this one.

  4. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Do legislators really believe they can fool ALL the people ALL the time? Even the least educated will vote against taking away their healthcare , taking awY their Medicare, Medicaid, zSocial Security, unemployment , WIC, EITC's, opportunity for fair wages, equal rights for ALL anywhere in the. U S.

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    What healthcare? What a joke!
