Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Watauga Board of Elections Fails To Acknowledge Their Judicial Thrashing

The Watauga Board of Elections met last evening, and not only did Republican members Bill Aceto and Luke Eggers fail to take any steps to comply with Wake Superior Court Judge Donald Stephens' order from Monday that an Early Voting site be immediately returned to the campus of Appalachian State University, they didn't even mention the stinging critique they suffered in the opinion of the Chief Resident Judge.

Guess if a judge told the world that my actions were unconstitutional, and ordered me to correct those actions, I might not want to mention it either.

Early Voting begins a week from Thursday. I need to know where on the ASU campus I'll be going.

Anyone? State Board of Elections? Bueller?


  1. Oh Suzannah9:18 AM

    That "judicial thrashing" really belongs to Luke's big brother "Four" Eggers, for leading those two chumps into a legal wilderness and then marooning them there, looking like crooks and/or idiots. The judge clearly thought they were crooks. That's largely Four's fault, for engineering the entire student voter suppression plan, which Anne Marie Yates then happily signed on to on behalf of the Watauga County Republican Party., Talk about being stripped naked in front of the whole world. (Though it's not as though we in Watauga County haven't known exactly what they were up to for a full year!)

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Hold them in contempt, a little jail time may change their minds.

  3. Who is the enforcer of the court decision, anyway? Wouldn't you love to see Sheriff Hagaman carry these boys off for contempt of court?

  4. Whatshisname9:57 PM

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Where was Kathleen Campbell in all of this? Can't she start the conversation at the meeting and notify the appropriate authorities if these local GOP continue in their arrogance and stall? She needs to start kicking and screaming before they try to stick the polling place back into Legends.

    The local-GOP are conducting themselves in the most undemocratic and un-American manner. I'm glad the judge finally called them out on their nonsense. Our state BOE is certainly not looking out for the citizens best interests in regard to the democratic process of voting. We need to vote these scum-bags out before they dismantle the judicial system.

  6. Anonymous8:15 AM

    We can't blame Kathleen Campbell. All of her motions fail for lack of a second, and her efforts are not allowed in the minutes.

  7. Kathleen Campbell10:02 AM

    Hi, I need to make something clear for the record. The State Board was told by the judge to "adopt an early voting plan for Watauga County for the 2014 November general election that includes at least one early voting site on the ASU campus. " Apparently, as I understand it, the judge felt he had no authority to say where on campus this site should be. While the State board may intend to ask the local board to enter in to this decision, at this point we don't even know if they are going to accept the ruling. The meeting the local board had last Tuesday was simply to approve absentee votes and take care of other such duties. It was not on the agenda to discuss the ruling and it would have been premature to do so or even to have called a special meeting.

  8. Anonymous7:38 PM

    NCGOP politics are dirtier than anything they can cook up in Chicago. Just saying…
