Sunday, September 14, 2014

Watauga GOP Planning to "One-Shot" Jason Cornett for School Board

It's pretty clear from the Watauga Republican Party Facebook page that the administrators are endorsing Jason Cornette and throwing the other two Republican candidates, Ron Henries and Adam L. Trivette, under the bus.


Currently, there's a 3-2 Republican majority on the School Board: Dr. Lee Warren, Delora Hodges, and Ron Henries. Warren and Hodges chose not to run for reelection this year. Henries is in hot water with the Republican Party because he didn't side with the book banners over the Isabel Allende novel.

Rather than adopting a strategy of trying to win all three of their Republican candidates and thus continue a majority on the Board, the local Party leaders appear to be resigned to Jason Cornett alone.

He was the only real bright spot for Republican hopes on the May primary ballot, coming in third with 14% of the vote.

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