Friday, September 26, 2014

New Words

Love the glossary of terms proffered by The Mountain Progressive:
ASSNESTER - A politician who is so firmly in the pocket of one or more wealthy donors that they have taken up residence in those person's asses.  
BIBLEGUNNER - Someone who wields the Bible as a weapon against anything and everything they find personally offensive or against something they fear others may see in them. 
CHAP STICKER - Politicians who kiss amazing amounts of wealthy and corporate ass. You might be able to recognize one of these politicians by the constant fake smile and persistently chapped lips. Their breath may also smell faintly of shit.
DICKNUGGET - A stubborn, rigid, and uncompromising asshole. Dicknuggets blatantly refuse to see others' points of view and cling to their own often misguided opinions even in the face of irrefutable evidence. 
DILDO BAGGINS - A member of a political party who has absolutely no voice of their own and merely repeats the political blurbs they've been told by those representing their party without conscious thought as to what these blurbs actually mean.  
DOUCHE - Someone who is totally happy with and relishes in their mediocrity. The Douche uses finely tuned sycophantic skills to rise within organizations or political parties. 
DOUCHEWEASEL - A sneaky, underhanded person who happens to also be a douche. (See also DOUCHE) 
JONESTOWN TEMPLAR - A person with little to no ability to think for themselves or to make positive and rational decisions regarding the welfare of others. Jonestown Templars are quick to drink the kool-aid and very slow to understand the possible ramifications of their stance on any issue.  
JUDAS ESCARGOT - Someone who claims to be a Christian and espouses Christian beliefs but acts in ways that are inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus Christ. An example of this would be legislators who claim to be Christian but vote in favor of legislation that harms the poor and needy while pandering to the wealthy.  
MATER BAITER - A politician who publicly presents an "aw shucks" personality but secretly works to help corporate interests disenfranchise the public.  
PICKLEPARKER - A male who desperately tries to hide homosexual thoughts and feelings by rallying against and decrying anything related to homosexuality or equal rights for the LBGT community. (See also BIBLEGUNNER) 
POROUS PAT; PAT THE MAT - NC Governor Pat McCrory 
PSPC - Pseudo-Self-Perpetuating Criticizer. A condition where one assumes that by criticizing and demeaning others, they are making themselves look better by comparison. This is a false belief as someone with PSPC almost always looks like a bully.


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Because if you can't argue logically, calling names works.

  2. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I'm sorry....these are hilarious.

  3. Calling names works when describing bought and paid for anti-American dipturds. Or, do you want to call them "knaves of the plutocracy?" Tell you what "1:29," if you're not rich and vote Repug you're an idiot and anti-Christain because there's not one thing in their agenda which you can find in the Holy Bible. Look closely at the anti-American's paying off these Repug politicians and you'll find wealth inherited greed mongers, Koch Bros., Art Pope, etc. These people think you're stupid because you're so easily persuaded by their buzz word ads so they just pour it on. Add Rupert and his LYING network that make folks such as you feel so comfortable to the small number of "richies" who want to destroy our wonderful nation.

  4. Wow, you can't hide class...

    This glossary conjures up memories of a Frat House, and leads me to believe your maturity level is that of a college student.

    Good luck in November @JWilliams!

    Election will be #Sick, #Killer, #WhickedCool #TotallyAwesome

  5. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Dear Jeff,
    I disagree with your viewpoint. I will not resort to calling you names. If you wish to present your opinion in a reasonable and rational fashion, I might be convinced.

  6. 2 4 T8:52 PM

    Conservative Republicans like to refer undecided voters to this blog. Nothing helps the conservative cause more than the ongoing demonstration of vulgar language and venomous rhetoric constantly on display here.

    Thanks for being such a great example of what the Republicans say about Democrats.

  7. Democratus Rex9:49 AM

    2 4 T sez:

    "Conservative Republicans like to refer undecided voters to this blog. Nothing helps the conservative cause more than the ongoing demonstration of vulgar language and venomous rhetoric constantly on display here."

    I would like to recommend undecided voters to mosey on over to "Watauga Conservative" and make the comparison as to "vulgar language and venomous rhetoric". I recommend the insights of "Wolf's Head", "Sarkazien" and "Guy Faulkes" to help guide your opinion making.

  8. Dickson12:31 PM

    Isn't it interesting that many are insisting that these terms are an attack on conservatives/republicans even though no specific political party is identified as the target... Taking the terms as an affront to conservatives/republicans happens on the reader end. Their reactions only serve to verify that they themselves see the terms and the associated descriptions as characteristics of their own party.

  9. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Really, Dickson? Which posts do you believe insisted "that these terms are an attack on conservatives/republicans". I looked back through the posts and couldn't find any that made that claim.
    Perhaps your reading of things into posts that weren't actually there might be an indication of your biases? - or perhaps your reading comprehension.

    And Democrat Rex- I think it's telling that you apparently don't distinguish between the blog articles, (which reflect opinions of the blog authors) and the comments made by various readers.

    I tend to judge each blog based on the posts of the blog authors and not based on the comments of the readers.

  10. Democratus Rex5:22 PM

    Anonymous sez:

    "I tend to judge each blog based on the posts of the blog authors and not based on the comments of the readers."

    Judge however you wish. However, reader responses (if you choose to read them and I am sure that you do) to "Watauga Conservative" posts do reflect the tone and intent of conservatives and are a part of their conversation. Read and decide for yourself if they meet your standard of civility.

    I invite all independent voters that are sent to WataugaWatch to make their own fair and balanced assessment as to which party's rhetoric is the most caustic, vulgar and venomous.

  11. Dickson,

    You said, "Isn't it interesting.... no political party is identified as the target... Taking the terms as an affront to conservatives/republicans happens on the reader end."

    Maybe you didn't read tags on this post. "Republican Brand" is fairly specific.

    #Busted #HatersGonnaHate

  12. Anonymous7:10 AM

    . I recommend the insights of "Wolf's Head", "Sarkazien" and "Guy Faulkes" to help guide your opinion making.

    I second this. These gentlemen post very logical thoughts. Democratus Rex runs from them after a post or two.
