Wednesday, September 10, 2014

4th U.S. Circuit Court To Consider Emergency Action Against New Republican Voter Law

A panel of the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in Charlotte on September 25 about whether to temporarily stay parts of the "Let's Mess With Ballot Access" Law passed by the Republicans in the NC General Assembly last year, particularly the provisions that end same-day registration, cut the number of Early Voting days, prohibit people from casting ballots out of their assigned precincts, and end the highly popular teen preregistration program

May The Force be with them.

The full 4th Circuit Court trial on the harm done by the "Let's Mess With Ballot Access" Act of 2013 is still scheduled for July of next year. The hearing on September 25th is purely for the court to consider an emergency stay on the law for this fall's elections.

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