Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Say What? Thom Tillis Brings in Mitt Romney To Campaign For Him?

How bad must it be for NC House Speaker Thom Tillis and his quest to oust Kay Hagan?

Mitt Romney? Seriously?

The avatar of the 1%? The coiner of memorable sayings: "Corporations are people, my friend!" Or our favorite: "I like being able to fire people."

No, really, why Mitt Romney? Because fabulously rich people feel comfortable around him, and Thom Tillis really needs to raise a lot of money right now?

We do notice that the Mitt Romney appearance in Charlotte yesterday involved a private fundraiser and not a public rally. Who would want the most notorious political loser of the last cycle standing next to you on a public platform?


  1. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Romney is acting like he's prepping for another run for president.

    And what better person for Tillis to bring to NC but the man who brought RomneyCare to MA!

    Have to say, as an outsider, NC is THE weirdest state in the union.

  2. Foxx Fan7:26 PM

    Is that the same Mitt Romney that carried our state in the last presidential election?

  3. Anonymous10:20 AM

    "Is that the same Mitt Romney that carried our state in the last presidential election?"

    Yep - and the same Mitt Romney who got his butt kicked across the country!
