Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Two Blockheads

The EggersBros discuss their next move on the Watauga County Board of Elections.

Winston-Salem Journal today.


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Well what's new, same old crap that was in a previous WS Journal article.

    A note to Ms. Campbell: You are the lone Democrat this time around which pretty much says any thing you say or do will most likely be voted down. You accepted the appointment.

  2. Camelot5:55 PM

    Really same old crap. This is now showing Four writing as if he is his brother while he was down the street still running the meeting. That is completely unethical. To say no big deal shows how far you will go to support your people. If this was a Democrat I would be saying the same thing. If Four has no problem doing this what else might he be doing as our County Attorney.

  3. Billy D6:04 PM

    Well no, Anon, it's not the same old crap, it's clear proof that Four is writing resolutions and emails and signing his brother's name to them, which is something he denied doing in the previous WSJ article. Now that the "smoking computer" has been found at the scene and the time of the crime, neither Eggers brother is available for comment, (those boys ought to be ashamed of themselves!). As for Ms Campbell's role as the sole Democrat on the BOE, I think she's clearly aware, based on the meetings so far, that anything she was to say or do would be voted down; even if she said the Watauga BOE should strive for a fair and democratic process that made it possible for all registered voters here to exercise their right to vote with as few impediments as possible. Something the Republican majority is clearly not in favor of.

  4. Anonymous10:15 AM

    so has anyone filed a grievance with the State Bar????

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Filed a grievance with the State Bar? For what? Come on now, let it go people. The Eggers Law Firm has helped more people in this county than you can imagine. They have represented my family for years and will continue to do so

  6. Anonymous1:36 PM

    All this is doing is creating more division between people. The newspaper articles, this post on this blog (come on people we have better things to do). Pretty clear that we have rode this dead horse to long. It will clear up, the community will still support the Eggers family (they are salt of the earth), and we will move on to the real issues.

  7. DooDah7:38 AM

    "this post on this blog (come on people we have better things to do)"

    And yet you felt the need to read and comment on the post, didn't you?

  8. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Yes I did feel the need to update myself on these comments; however, you did not find me casting blame or attack or further divide Democrats and Republicans.
