Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This Is Your Government on Gas

They intend to frack us, and they intend to deny that anything bad has happened to our water as a result.

That was utterly transparent when the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) turned down federal grants that would have paid for establishing a "baseline" of water quality in areas where fracking will take place. Without a baseline report of what's in your water and what's not in your water right now, well, when your faucet swill starts igniting, the gas companies will be able to say with a straight face, "That methane was in there all along."

You have turned your government over to vandals, North Carolina, who have no conscience, no values, no vision beyond the enrichment of their special interest supporters.



  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Jerry Wayne
    I see from your three latest posts that there are no comments from the 100 or so who look at this bloq. I am thinking that no one is interested in your drivel.You might consider local sports to get more attention or maybe the coming fall colors in October.
    Good luck

  2. H. R. Moncelle5:54 AM

    I notice that "Anonymous" is very brave and insightful by not putting their name behind their drivel. Excellent Post Mr. Williams.
    H.R. Moncelle

  3. johnbyjohn8:54 AM

    Who are you, Anonymous - the Blog Police? There's no law that says that people MUST comment on everything - don't you have anything else to worry about?

  4. Loving the blogs. Feel no need to comment, especially since the trolls attack whatever comments we post, and I just can't be bothered to worry about them. Keep it up, JW...yours is my Homepage when my computer fires up every morning!

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Since Williamson started censoring the posts that make his threads look foolish, very few people come here.

    A conservative once said on here that they would kill the blog with logic. They sort of did, with Williamson's help.

  6. bettywhite12:32 PM

    It always amuses me when anonymous people come onto blogs and say that they are being censored. They obviously don't know the meaning of the word "censorship." This blog isn't run by a government agency that is trying to stifle free speech. This blog is written and owned by an individual who can delete any posts that he wants to. If all of you anonymouses want to comment on each and every topic, it's easy to start a free blog of your own! You can then comment on everything that JW writes, on your OWN blog! Woo Hooo!! Problem solved!

  7. I love writing horrible posts which equate the repugs with weasels,etc just to amuse JW knowing he will not publish them because he's a man of character.

  8. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Low to no character. He censors posts that disclose the faults with his threads. That's why no one comes here except for comic relief.

  9. bettywhite12:35 PM

    Yeah, just like he censored your posts above where you claim he censors you, right?
