Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bill Aceto Improperly Appointed to the Watauga BOE

State statute §163-30, regarding appointments to local boards of elections, states in part that "…No person who holds any office in a state, congressional district, county or precinct political party or organization, or who is a campaign manager or treasurer of any candidate or political party in a primary or election, shall be eligible to serve as a member of a county board of elections."

Bill Aceto, who has been Four Luke Eggers' second vote on everything, was listed as the Boone 2 precinct chair for the Watauga County Republican Party at the time of his appointment, and is still listed as precinct chair of Boone 2.

Par for the course for this illegitimate Watauga County Board of Ventriloquism.


  1. The chickens come home to roost.... ah, but who guards the hen house? The Foxx?

  2. He resigned as precinct chair July 15. Sorry. This is not an issue.

  3. Aceto remains, even today, listed as chair of Boone 2 precinct on the Watauga Republican website. They might want to correct that.

  4. Anonymous12:06 PM

    In the words of Penny "WOW" you guys are desperate. Getting your "news" off the opposition website???? LAME!!!
