Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Virginia Foxx Steps Back From the Brink: No Senate Race For Her!

We received an e-mail from Madam Virginia Foxx this afternoon:

What she said
"The encouragement I've received to enter the race to become North Carolina's next United States Senator is truly humbling."

What she meant
Flattery, I've always said, is the sincerest form of self-deception.


What she said
"But I already have the best job in North Carolina."

What she meant
Also, the best health insurance. But do you know that I invented the term "sham-paign"? Ha, ha, ha!


What she said
"Representing the people of North Carolina's 5th Congressional District while working to encourage job growth, repeal ObamaCare, and return decision-making power in education back to our state is where my heart and focus lie."

What she meant
The heart dies, but the lie goes on forever.


What she said
"North Carolina deserves a United States Senator who is committed to increasing freedom and also to reducing the size of Washington's footprint in our lives."

What she meant
My feet are cold ALL the time, and I probably should get that checked out.


What she said
"Our conservative candidate for Senate will have my utmost support."

What she meant
Thom Tillis, you might ought to call your office.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean we are stuck with her for at least another 2 years? Is she going to pull a Strom Thurmond and stay till death do us part? Is there any Dem who has popped up out of a Foxxhole somewhere to run against her--please please please?
