Tuesday, August 06, 2013

"Top o' the World, Ma!"

Todd Poole, Virginia Foxx's former chief of staff, is taking over as executive director of the NC GOP, working under party chair Claude Pope.

Chairman Pope praised Poole for "his political instincts."

Those political instincts have been on full display in the past: here and here.


  1. I find this really hard to believe and would hope the mainstream and grassroots press would press hard questions to Claude Pope and the governor about how it is they hire this man to lead their party.

  2. What grass roots press...not a lot of that in Watauga County...we depend on the independents to provide and find this information. Thank Heaven for WataugaWatch.

  3. Henery12:42 PM

    Whoa! Right-winger Brant Clifton also goes after Todd Poole as unfit for this new office: http://dailyhaymaker.com/?p=5981
