Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dickishness Surfacing in Other NC County Boards of Elections

Watauga County is not alone in an outbreak of suppressive activity by local boards of elections, all of them now dominated by people who really don't think anyone but conservatives should be allowed to participate in government.

Sharon McClosky shared an article from the Elizabeth City Daily Advance about a student at Elizabeth City State University who wanted to run for a seat on the local city council. The two Republicans on the Pasquotank County Board of Elections decided that he was ineligible because he wasn't a "permanent" resident.

Come again? That is not a constitutional requirement for either voting or for seeking public office. "Permanent" resident has no definition under the law. Only "resident for 30 days" has any force of law in North Carolina. I could move to Pasquotank County tomorrow, Dear Hearts (but don't hold your breath), register to vote after 30 days and file to run for office on that same day, and then, because I didn't really like Pasquotank County, I could move away right after I voted in the next election. I was not, under the phony definition of the Pasquotank Board of Elections, a "permanent resident," but I was sure as shit a "resident" eligible for voting and eligible to run for office if I can pay the filing fee.

But why argue with these dictatorial, ass-brained Republicans now populating every board of elections in the state? The argument was already made and won before the U.S. Supreme Court in Symm v. U.S. (1979). Google it. And some lawyer, or even that Elizabeth City State University student himself, should file a lawsuit, because that kid's rights have been violated.

In the worst way.

The Republican hatred for -- and palpable fear of -- the young people in their midst is going to destroy them eventually. Just possibly not soon enough.


  1. Not Really8:44 AM

    I think it takes a certain level of intellectual dishonesty for people on the right to argue that these measures repressing the vote are "fair" or good.

    US citizens over the age of 18 have a fundamental right to vote, and I think most Americans would agree it is one of our most important, if not *the* most important, right we enjoy. Given this, the question becomes: should we make it as easy as possible for US citizens to exercise this right?

    If someone answers "no" to the above question, I would like to hear a rationale: Why should the citizens of this nation not have ample opportunity to exercise their right to vote? What reasons can you give for making voting more onerous for legitimate, registered voters?

    If you do not have a reasonable answer to those questions, then you cannot honestly support the measures being taken by the Watauga Co. Board of Elections.

    And it should be noted that "voter fraud" is simply not an issue in these cases. We are not talking about voter ID here. We are talking about voting opportunities for legitimately registered voters. Reducing the number of polling places and the early voting days does nothing to prevent fraud. So don't even try to pull out that weak argument.

  2. Well said, Not Really. They always go back and cry "voter fraud" even when the question is NOT about voter ID. How does stopping straight-ticket voting or stopping the registration of 17-year-olds combat voter fraud? Answer: it doesn't.

  3. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Why don't the students who live in another town or county just vote by simple absentee ballot from the address of record? Why should at student in Elizabeth City be able to run for public office in a place where they are just there temporarily as a student.

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Nothing in the new law keeps anyone from voting.

  5. Students who live in Boone for 9 months of the year (and in some cases, 12 months of the year) have the right to register and vote in Boone, period. Why is that so hard for people to understand? The student at Elizabeth City State has been there since 2009. How long do you have to live somewhere to become a voting citizen, Anonymous?

  6. Not Really4:38 PM

    Anon 8:19 said "Nothing in the new law keeps anyone from voting."

    I'll repeat my initial question: Given that voting is a fundamental right, should we adopt policies making it easier to exercise that right, or harder? What justification can you give for making voting more difficult?

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Nothing makes it harder for those residents out in the county. The only people complaining are those that ah special privilege given too them and are now going to be treated like every body else.
