Friday, March 22, 2013

"This Is Not Honorable"

Businessman Jim Goodmon, speaking about the Republican plan advancing in the NC General Assembly to simply void the lease worked out between the state of North Carolina (under Gov. Beverly Perdue) and the City of Raleigh, to turn the Dix Hospital property into a public park. Mr. Goodmon was speaking before the Senate Appropriations Committee.


  1. Not Really5:36 PM

    The new legislators in Raleigh have shown themselves to be anything but honorable.

    They may have gerrymandered themselves winning districts, but if the Republicans keep meddling like this with local decision making they might find themselves losing anyway.

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Goodmon funds go to the following just to name a few:
    Progressive Pulse
    Democracy NC
    Progress NC
    NC Policy Watch

    Chris Fritzsimon had never drawn a breath not approved by the Goodmon

    Come on JW is this a finest example of racketeereing of the press known to NC

  3. Henery10:18 AM

    Okay, so, Anonymous Most Recent, you're saying Jim Goodmon is on the right side of history?

    Sounds good to me.
