Thursday, December 13, 2012

Whaaa? McCrory Going All Squishily Moderate

Gov.-Elect Pat McCrory, in Raleigh to measure the curtains, held a press conference today and pointedly took a very different tone about the newly created Dix Park. NC Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger and what Rob Schofield calls "the conservative shock troops at Americans for Prosperity" had lambasted Bev Perdue for striking the deal with the City of Raleigh for the Dorothea Dix acreage to become a public park, which Berger and Americans for Prosperity had labeled a travesty of Everything Holy = private profit off public lands. Changing his tune considerably from last week, when he was singing from the same free market hymnal with Berger and the Rich Guys, McCrory said he was "all for" the park.

He didn't mean it, probably, but he said it, and these days that gets marked down in the "moderation" column.

Schofield summed up what was striking about the whole scene:

No silly name-calling or manufactured outrage; nothing akin to Berger’s absurd and inflammatory statement on Twitter that "Having failed for years to advance her agenda, Gov Perdue is desperately trying to craft a last-minute legacy at NC taxpayers’ expense” or AFP’s claim that the deal is “a billion-dollar giveaway of taxpayer resources.” 
So, Republicans, how ya gonna handle your RINO governor?


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    McCory has always been a squishy moderate. However, he can be held in check if the liberals in the Republican party choose to do so.

  2. Not Really9:55 AM

    5775 atkongsGood for McCrory. Instead of making fun of his moderate stances we should be praising them. I for one look forward to a time in which moderates hold more sway in the Republican party.

  3. DooDah5:04 PM

    Liberals in the Republican party?? Bwhahahaha! That's a good one!

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Since he doesn't seem to have the spine/will to do what he was elected to do, I figure the real conservatives of this State will do what we have to do... put a bit in his mouth and ride him hard every day for the next four years and make him do his duty.
