Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Let the Distancing Begin

Gotta hand it to McCrory. He knows a non-starter when he sees it (via Under the Dome):
McCrory tried all he could to avoid any association with Ryan's controversial federal budget proposal, which would severely cut discretionary funding that trickles down to the states.
But for all his dodging, he's stuck with that lead balloon.


  1. Anonymous10:55 AM

    You know,it's beyond time that we Americans cut to the bottom line about what's going on in DC.
    It's simple, the rich don't want to pay taxes!
    Again, the rich don't want to pay taxes.

  2. Anon 10:55 I am far from rich, much closer to bankrupt then rich and i do not want to pay taxes either.

  3. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Again, the rich don't want to pay taxes.

    Neither do the 40% of entitlement babies that do not pay them.

  4. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Ah, yes, that 40% figure again. Repeat after me - this includes kids, the disabled, the unemployed, and the retired.

    I don't WANT to pay taxes, either, but I don't actually MIND paying taxes (and I'm in the 30% bracket....obviously I need some offshore accounts!) as long as they go for things that actually benefit somebody other than defense contractors and political hacks.

    Note the non-partisan tenor of my post.

  5. Anonymous8:18 AM

    30% bracket? Really? When did we start a 30% tax bracket?

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM

    If you feel you do not pay enough taxes, feel free to send in more.

  7. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "Don't worry about taxes, it's small-minded," Mitt Romney
