Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Where Watauga's Registered Voters Live

This "heatmap" based on geospatial analysis of places of residence of registered voters in Watauga County.


  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

    You mean the reason we have early voting in Boone is because that's where most of the people in Watauga Co. live? Imagine that!

  2. Liberal POV8:50 PM

    Logic, math and a map won't stop the fools who don't think.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    No, you have early voting in Boone because it is the most left wing. If not there would also be early voting in Blowing Rock (as well as wvery where else.)

  4. Dem127:42 PM

    That's a load of hogwash. Early voting sites are in Boone because that's where most people live. It's the same in "right-wing" counties too. I'm sure Avery has early voting in Newland instead of Plumtree.

  5. Excuse me dufus...early voting is for the ENTIRE county....oh, Boone just happens to be the county seat.

  6. Carrie9:39 AM

    Anon 4:37, do you really want us to believe that rural residents do not have cars and can't get to the courthouse or what have you to early vote? Oh wait, that's right, I'm a rural resident and I somehow manage to do it.

  7. Liberal POV12:14 PM

    The failure of logic or ability to process facts from the conservatives is amazing.

    How do these people function in society?

  8. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Is it easier to vote at a place you can walk to at luch or to have to get in your car and make a thirty minute trip to do the same thing/ If any of the polls are open, then they all should be open. This is the only fair way.

    I know it and you know it. End of story, no matter how you lie to yourself.

  9. bettywhite3:19 PM

    Who's lying? On the one hand, you conservatives are always wanting to cut taxes and cut government spending and services. On the other hand, you want to keep every polling place open for two weeks before the elections. Who do you think pays for elections? The equipment, the ballots, and the staff to run the places cost money. You've got to admit that it makes more sense to have early voting in town, where 15,000 people live, than to have it in Beaver Dam, where a few hundred people live. How bout this as a solution: we go to voting by mail, as several states have done. People can vote at their leisure, and have time to research the candidates before dropping the ballot in the mail.

  10. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Love the idea of Vote-by-Mail.

    Of course, I live in Blowing Rock and always early vote in Boone.

  11. Anonymous7:48 PM

    bettywhite said...

    Who's lying?

    You are to yourself and you know it.

  12. Carrie10:57 AM

    Anon 2:09P.M.,

    So I assume that you, personally, are willing to pay for all of the polling places to be open eh?

  13. Anonymous10:05 AM

    NO, I am willing to close them all until election day if there is not enough money available to open them all.

  14. bettywhite11:26 AM

    I don't understand you, anonymous. How am I lying to myself? I would venture to guess that most of the voters in Watauga County come to Boone sometime during the early voting period. I don't live in town, but somehow I managed to get by and vote early during the primary, and I usually vote early in the general elections as well. It makes sense from a logistical perspective that the early voting sites should be in town. However, I would certainly support having sites open out in the county as well. It's not an either/or proposition.

  15. How bout this? I think vote-by-mail is a great idea, but until we have that, why not use a vehicle like a Bookmobile or Bloodmobile, but call it a VoteMobile. It could be a large bus or similar vehicle that could drive to various parts of the county during early voting. For instance, it could be at the Western Watauga Community Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and maybe at the Deep Gap fire department on Mondays and Wednesdays, or something like that. Of course, this could never happen since there's no money to pay for it.

  16. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Bettywhite, do you really think it as convenient for people out in the county to vote early as it is for those within walking distance of the only three polls that are open? If you do you are lying to yourself. If you think that this equates for an equal opportunity to vote, you are lying to yourself. If you think it is fair, you are lying to yourself because you are not that stupid.

  17. bettywhite3:16 PM

    I never claimed it was as "convenient" for county people as it is for Boone residents. I don't live within walking distance of the early voting sites, so it wasn't a matter of me walking to vote during lunch. I had to drive to the early voting site, but I didn't bitch about it and expect my regular polling place to be open. It's just not cost effective to have every voting site open during early voting. I really would prefer voting by mail for all. How do you feel about THAT??

  18. Dem123:27 PM

    Let me give you another example, Anonymous. In Nevada, there are two population centers: Las Vegas/Clark County, and Reno/Tahoe/Carson City. In the 2008 election, those two areas accounted for 88% of the vote. The rest of Nevada is very sparsely populated - Esmeralda County only had 439 votes total in 2008. According to your logic, early voting sites should be open the same amount of time in Esmeralda as they are in Clark, even though Clark County had over 650,000 voters in the election. There should be more voting sites where there are more people.

  19. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I really do not care about Nevada. All polls should be open or none of them should.

    Betty white , you are lying to yourself.

  20. That's great... let's just avoid any discussion at all! Why do you even come on here, Anonymous?

  21. bettywhite11:24 AM

    Anonymous is such a sweet, caring, intelligent person! There! Now THAT was me lying to myself!
