Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Soucek: It Depends on the Meaning of 'Developer' ... And What the Definition of Is Is

Sen. Dan Soucek gets wrapped around the Templeton axle once again in an interview with Jesse Wood of the High Country Press. Saith the senator about his push to lift all development rules in Boone's extra-territorial jurisdiction, "No developer, per se, has talked to me about this issue regarding anything they would like to do."

Per se. We call that parsing one's words. Step around that cow pie, Senator!

He also appears to admit that he's thrown in the towel on Senate Bill 949 for this session.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    With overwhelming Republican majorities and narrow bills just aimed at Boone, it doesn't seem like the failure of our "reprentatives" to push their pet bills through speaks well of their effectivenss, does it. They look like jokes.

  2. Anonymous4:40 PM

    These bills are just the forerunners of things to come. Power is going back to the people. Bureaucracy is being whittled down.

    The times, they are a changing.

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    "Parsing one's words" and "step around that cowpile".

    You ought to know all about it, JW.

    You done this yourself several times over the past many years.

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    "These bills are just the forerunners of things to come."
    Yeo:more tax breaks for the wealthy, like this year...

    "Power is going back to the people."
    Three people in particular, the Koch brothers and Art Pope.

    "Bureaucracy is being whittled down."

    Nope, democracy is being whittled down, shifting power to the corporations.

  5. Anonymous7:43 PM

    You libs are so afraid, you stink of fear because you are going to lose your power.

  6. One among many9:09 AM

    JW and Pamela,
    Senator Soucek was explaining that yes he had infact talked with Mr. Templeton among MANY OTHER ETJ residents to get a feeling for the issues before framing his Bill. He in no way said that the Templeton's are not developers in the area. (response to Pamela's comment on Watauga Democrat) Your constant distain for this one family is confusing because they are not responsible for the complex on the mountainside above Wal-Mart. They are responsible for going against a corrupt Town of Boone that continues to misuse its power for which you are a part. I challenge you to show where the evil developer Templeton has done anything detrimental to this community. They take old buildings and make usable, tax generating space for small businesses. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! You bureaucrats meanwhile keep buildings from being developed for a second life and deteriorating making our beautiful little mountain town UGLY! It is high time the people of this community know the truth in respect to the facts and not the vile that you spread on this blog and in the media you control from behind a veil using your personal puppet Anna Oakes.

  7. Wow! As one of the Williamsons' puppets I must say I've never seen Anna Oakes at any of our daily mandatory meetings.

  8. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Puppet ROFL:

    Anna Oakes or her boss, Mr. Mayer, doesn't have to be in one of your meetings, mandatory or not.

    Isn't that right, Pam? All you have to do is make a phone call--right?

  9. tucker8:55 AM

    Wassamatter "anon"...did the Democrat refuse to publish one of your "letter to the editor" rants?

  10. One of many10:32 AM

    It is evident by Pamela Williamson's response to her earliest article on the Watauga Democrat website when Anna responded with a reference : "you're right PAM"

    Tucker....anything in opposition to the Boone Liberal machine driven by the Williamson's is a rant isn't it? We have an opinion too and I intend on letting you know!

  11. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Actually, tucker, I don't contribute letters to the 'Democrat, rants or not.

    But your question does bring up an interesting point about who gets published and why. You must know something about it.

  12. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I don't even know who Pam Williamson is, but if she's somehow involved in getting the press to cover the corrupt, bullshit, under the cover, dark of night actions of Soucek and his cronies, then I say more power to her.

  13. One of many10:11 AM

    The problem with your comment anao 12:38 is that the Williamson's use half truth and innuendo to "cover the corrupt bs, under the cover, dark of the night actions". Facts mean nothing to them. Ie. Mr Templeton was not in Raleigh as previously stated on this blog. So, if you want to throw around words like corrupt, under cover and dark of night you better make sure the side with which you are falling in line is not doing the same. check facts before you spew hate.
